啼号 tíháo [wail] 哭叫 啼饥号寒 tíjī-háohán (1) [cry from hunger and cold;cry in hunger and cold]∶因饥寒交迫而啼哭 (2) [live in hunger and cold;be poverty-stricken]∶形容饥寒交迫、生活极端困苦 啼叫 tíjiào [weep aloud;cry;wail] 啼哭;鸟兽叫 啼哭 tíkū [weep aloud;cry;wail] 放声地哭 啼鸣 tímíng [the cry of birds or animals] 鸣叫 啼泣 tíqì [weep] 啼哭;哭泣 于啼泣之余。——清·林觉民《与妻书》 啼笑皆非 tíxiào-jiēfēi [not know whether to laugh or cry;be between tears and smiles] 啼哭不得,也嘻笑不得。比喻处境极其难堪 啼血 tíxuè [cry to bleeding] 传说杜鹃总要啼到口里出血才止,所以用“啼血”指杜鹃啼得悲苦