间不容发 jiānbùróngfà (1) [a seamless heavenly robe——flawless;by the skin of one"s teeth;by a hair"s breadth;the difference is as narrow as a hair"s breadth]∶中间放置不下一根头发,形容相距极微 律厤迭相治,其间不容发。——《大戴礼记》 (2) [the situation is extremely critical;within a hair of;within an inch of]∶比喻情势危急到极点 其出不出,间不容发。——汉·枚乘《上书谏吴王》 间关 jiānguān [chirp] 象声词。形容宛转的鸟鸣声 间关莺语。——唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》 间架 jiānjià (1) [form of a Chinese character]∶房屋建筑的结构。梁与梁之间叫“间”,桁与桁之间叫“架”。借使汉字的笔画构架 (2) [structure of an essay]∶文章的布局 间距 jiānjù [interval;clearance] 间隔的距离 间量,间量儿 jiānliang,jiānliangr [the area of a room;floor space] [方]∶房子的面积大小 房子间量儿太小 间柱 jiānzhù [studding] 房屋的墙框架的立柱 间奏曲 jiānzòuqǔ [intermezzo] 在两幕(或场)戏曲或歌剧之间演奏的小型器乐曲