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1 郭氏吧


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“参天之木,必有其根;怀山之水,必有其源;人之有祖,亦犹是焉。”郭氏宗亲 汾阳世第 郭姓作为中国历史上的名门望族,名声显赫。现建立郭氏吧,以便郭氏宗亲交流!

作者:uname         2007/9/5 10:53:44    |  回复此帖子    
2 回复:郭氏吧
     Getting the Book of The Raven You will need to use an [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net]wow power leveling[/url] Aether Ray Eye and a Seer’s Stone to find the raven cult ghosts. After you have [url=http://www.ygscn.net/PowerLevel.php?gid=1]wow power leveling[/url] found Sai’kkal the Elder, you can ask him about the Book of the Raven. To the Twilight Ridge Go to the Twilight Ridge in Nagrand. Here you will need to talk to Watcher Elaira. Gather the Raven Stones Now you will need to gather [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/buy.php]best wow gold[/url] the Raven Stones (there Getting the Eagle’s Essence You will need to get the Essence of the Eagle by using the bear form to defeat the Guardian of the Eagle. Getting the [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/buy.php]wow gold uk[/url] Falcon’s Essence After getting the Eagle’s Essence, you will need to get the Falcon’s Essence. You can do this by defeating the Guardian of [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/buy.php]cheapest wow gold[/url] the Falcon while in cat form. Getting the Hawk’s Essence Now [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/buy.php]gold for wow[/url] you can get the Hawk’s Essence by defeating the Guardian of the Hawk. You should do this while in caster/boomkin [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net]world of warcraft power leveling[/url] form. Once you have the Essence of the Hark, take it to Arthorn Windsong. Defeat the Raven God Now it [url=http://www.ygscn.net/PowerLevel.php?gid=1]world of warcraft power leveling[/url] is time for you to kill the boss that can be summoned from the room that is right before the blast boss.
作者:58.144.19.*         2010/3/27 13:23:27    |  回复此帖子    
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